Group Buy for Hair Loss, Gray Hair Reversal, and Anti-Aging

Hey @Jumpman, some questions for you

  • Are there animal data for BMS-202? What’s the basis for the 0.1% solution?
  • Are you and others already using BMS-202 topically?
  • What are the side effects of BMS-202? I used a topical Cyclosporiine, tacrolimus, and minoxidil topical solution for a while and it would mess up my vision pretty bad sometimes.

In your table you have TM5614 listed as Follicle Miniaturization Reversal, but is it also supposed to work for gray reversal?

When does the window close for the group buy?


Thanks mate. I’d be interested in a similar small molecule for systemic use, but no safety data is a bit of a red flag.

@Jumpman do you know anymore about the person using TM5614, as in how long they’ve been using it, whether they take it orally or apply it topically, are they using it in conjunction with anything else?

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Hey @Jumpman

If I were to order TM, what is a recommended order quantity? I assume that is in pill form?

Furthermore, with BMS being new, that’ll be topical, right? In which case would I apply that as it comes or would I have to combine it with an oil of some sorts so that I can apply it to my scalp?

Ty man

@Jumpman thanks for the reply. Have you noticed any side effects?

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Thanks for the reply.

For BMS, how much would you recommend ordering if you were looking for a year’s worth?

I’m really interested in this BMS-202. I woul like to join the buy group.

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Final Q (I think) :slight_smile:

Do we have any idea if the grey hair reversal would be permanent or would we have to constantly apply BMS? Or too little known to be able to say for certain

Appreciate you sharing this with us man.


That was a question I was thinking also… did anyone ever follow up with the researchers or people referenced in the actual studies where they saw the grey hair reversal and check to see how long it lasted, any side effects over the longer term, etc.?


@Jumpman this is very interesting. I wonder if combining BMS with rapa and/ or TM5614 and perhaps an a-MSH product like Greyverse would speed up the reversal of gray hair. Or whether the effects would max out on one or the other given hair melanocytes cannot produce more than they are genetically programmed to produce (unlike skin melanocytes when stimulated with UV although there is also likely a genetic “max” there as well). In the Dicord discussion thread “what are these compounds” under the explanation for TM5614 you mention there was a group buy for Eirion’s ET-O2, which uses a PAI-1 similar to TM5614. Was wondering if you knew anything more about that - was the group buy offered from Eirion specifically, was it only being used to assess AA or was hair graying included, etc.?

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I ordered 40g TM5614 to help with liver problems (NASH). It raises FGF21 5x in mice — very promising! Will be getting very regular labs to make sure things are in the right track.

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Here is the full paper referenced in the first posting:

jamadermatol.2017.2106.pdf (611.6 KB)

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Related research on BMS-202:

Pubmed search on BMS-202:

Some of the papers:


I’m in for a group buy also

Do we just join the discord and that’s where the orders are being placed? I’d be in for this.

I think this might be the study he’s talking about:

Topical inhibition of UV-induced PD-L1 expression and inflammatory signaling by the small molecule inhibitor BMS-202

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Agreed. Unfortunately, after trying every possible experimental treatment for androgenic alopecia, at best you will get that peach fuzz (vellus hairs). The only solution for androgenic/androgenetic hair loss is a hair transplant. I’ve done it, and in the long term it saves you money, energy, and stress with having to deal with strenous and expensive protocols that only grow fuzz. The only other solution that worked better than other treatments for me was dutasteride mesotherapy. If you have a bald spot and the follicle is miniaturized to the point that it is dead, then it is extremely rare to re-stimulate it. Only solution would be to implant a follicle hence the hair transplant.

I disagree with that on a factual basis. I have been able to get vellus hairs to turn terminal, but the process is very slow.


Those follicles where the vellus hairs are , will always be DHT sensitive, hence, stopping your protocol will immediately cause them to fall out within some time, along with the other gentically DHT sensitive hair follicles on your head. Whatever protocol one does is just temporary simple as that. Eventually everyone on a hair protocol gets a transplant, thats the name of the game to prolong it as long as possible.
The only way to stop your hair loss and maintain the terminal hairs is with continuous protocols. The more permanent solution is a hair transplant, whereby the hair in your donor area is not genetically coded to be DHT sensitive.

I see hair growth as a product of broader cellular health. Improving hair growth is hard, but if you are using a systemic intervention that works on hair it probably works on other cells.

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