Why is "Broader and safer clinically-relevant activities of pentadecanoic acid compared to omega-3" considered a "trash study" by Physionic?

He didn’t explain in his last video


It wasn’t tested in humans, only in human cells, which isn’t clinically relevant (and you want outcome studies as well).


In vitro cell studies, looking at questionable biomarkers, done by the seller of the product.


I agree, also with @AnUser that this product has clever authoring that has done a great job of showing “science” and then making claims that seem to be correct to the casual observer. These “research studies” are carefully engineered as marketing materials to have folks buy this product.

It may actually be better than Omega 3, it may be worse … who knows? Their literature doesn’t help and their claims it is essential is fascinating as I have none and I’m still alive.

The one item that I continue to be very unhappy with them on, is their no-evidence based claim that this replaces Omega 3 — so people that believe this may omit optimizing their Omega 3 index. They have absolutely no human data on outcomes to substantiate their many claims.


It’s in most animal food, mixed with the other fats. You have to use their test to see how much.

I agree Stephanie is a great salesperson. Fun to watch. Makes me suspicious.

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I know, I’m whole foods plant based … so have little to none, and still shockingly live lacking an “essential fatty acid.” Stephanie’s idea of essential relates possibly more to her own finances than the science. Again, this may end up proving to be the most awesome thing ever … but their claims are not consistent with the current state of their evidence.

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Genova diagnostics has an independent test of it that one can use.