Was Bryan Johnson ever diagnosed with depression? Thoughts and questions

Hi. Recently saw a video of Bryan on his YouTube page:

Bryan mentions having chronic depression for around 10 or so years. Being in the depths of depression.
Near the end of the video posted. Around 8:05 mark.
Has he ever shown any proof of diagnoses from a doctor/paperwork, and medicines/prescriptions he has been prescribed?
I have not read or watched a lot of him, so it’s possible he did share this information.

As he might be already taking everything that ITP has tested to improve lifespan.
ITP is currently testing 2 compounds that are used for mental health/depression: Mianserin and L-Deprenyl (selegiline).
Will he be taking an anti-depression/mental health type medicine if it was tested by ITP and shown to improve lifespan?

Usually chronic conditions are treated, not cured. Has he mentioned what cured his chronic depression?
Looking at his Blueprint stack, I see a few things that might help such as lithium 1mg, but big pharma has lithium pills from 150mg to 600mg.
500mg tyrosine, but that would only last for a few hours at most.
Big pharma has 2 to 24 hour long acting stimulant medicines.
Thyroid, but he’s taking thyroid for around 20 years while he had depression.
Some of stuff he takes might even have make someone people’s depression worse(lower or raise certain neuro chemicals).
It can be challenging to get dialed in with the right products.

Not everything he takes is ITP tested, and some of the ITP tested stuff he uses seems to be off label use anyways.
Not sure why he does not use some sort of big pharma product for neurotransmission.
Having a lot of money in his bank account might have cured him, but there are many wealthy people who have depression and use medicines + supplements for it.

Low key feels like Bryan is claiming blueprint can cure depression, or cured his. Depression & mental health can be very complex, and can take a long time to find the right product(s) to treat the condition.
Letting blueprint be the anti depressant.

What happens oneday if ITP goes hardcore with testing a combo of many types of neurotransmitter medicines? EX: methylphenidate(noradrenaline/dopamine) + fluvoxamine(serotonin) + galantamine(acetylcholine) + xanax(gaba)… and it shows 15% life extension.

Not sure if they already do do this, but it would be great to see Bryan and other health/biotech influencers donate (or buy) to ITP or some other legit research groups to test more medicines for life extension in various models. Even to test his own stack with ITP (Bryan"s), or new stacks (ITP proven compounds in 1 stack) etc.
ITP seems to be testing around 6 to 10 compounds a year. Kinda slow. There are probably many 100’s of medicines or supplements just for mental health to be tested still. 1000’s more in total to test. Not to mention various combinations.
IIRC ITP costs around 5 million a year or so. Not totally sure on the exact figure. Though 5 million for a group of people worth over 1 billion is not a large % of money.

Warp speed Johnson!
Lets go…to infinity and beyond.
Don’t die…live long and prosper.

Thanks :pill:


Good question about Bryan. Depression is a very complex topic. You might be interested in this thread: Depression and mental health: what do you use?

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