[TMS thread] How to get fMRI data needed for Saint Protocol/accelerated TMS/tFUS for ADHD/excess slowwaves+rumination in the brain?

https://www.micsc.com/ [this has one fMRI imaging platform, but is located in LA]
https://neurotherapeutixnyc.com has fMRI-guided brain mapping computation and evaluation, but the cost of the fMRI is $5000…

Most labs I email for the data don’t seem eager to give any data beyond the brain MRI image (they dont give your own fMRI data)

TMS DFW Metroplex | Texas Mind Science this for $650 a day… CloudTMS
https://www.reddit.com/r/rtms/comments/1aglqsj/my_experience_with_accelerated_tms_treatment_with/ also used CloudTMS but says it wore off after a few months…
Accelerated TMS Therapy | TMS Institute of Arizona does magventure. It costs $7250 but that’s way less than wave neuroscience…
https://www.nbchealthcare.com/ in MA…

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) — Boston Precision Neurotherapeutics this is boston based



TMS was performed using a MagProX100 stimulator and the MR- compatible MRi-B91 (MagVenture, Farum, Denmark) TMS coil. During session 2, the stimulation intensity was defined for each participant based on resting motor threshold (rMT). rMT was determined as the lowest stimulator output resulting in 5 out of 10 visible twitches of the right first dorsal interosseous muscle [76]. Motor threshold definition was performed inside the scanner room, using the sandwiched TMS and 7-channel receive coil array.
Using a Polaris neuronavigation camera (NDI, Waterloo, Canada) and 3D- printed metal-free optical trackers for participant (mounted onto a mouthpiece) and TMS coil, the coil was positioned on the individual DLPFC target and fixed using a suitable holder (MagVenture, Farum, Denmark).

I was advised to use neuronavigation-based mapping. There are LOTS of TMS clinics, and this is a major expense, so doing it right is important.