Rejuvenate Biomed’s drug combination (metformin & galantamine) for Sarcopenia: Personal Results

“However, the GAL-INT Study Group5 reported that recorded mortality due to cardiovascular event was greater in the galantamine group than in the placebo group, and interestingly, about half of the deaths in galantamine appeared to result from various vascular causes (myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden death).”

I haven’t looked at the GAL-INT study, but this did catch my eye…

Hard to find the exact study - here are some of the Gal-Int studies:


That study they cite has a much higher dosage for what it’s worth:

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety profiles of galantamine 24 mg/d in patients with VaD or AD with CVD over the longer term (>6 months).