Rapamycin Blood levels after 7 days

Greetings everyone,

I have been taking Sirolimus for over a year now at a dosage of 5 mg per week, along with grapefruit. I typically consume one grapefruit approximately one hour before taking the Sirolimus, and another one at the time of taking it. Recently, I did a blood test just before my next dose (7 days), and the results showed a level of 2.1 μg/L (or ng/mL).

I am wandering whether this value is too high. I had planned to increase my weekly dosage as I have not experienced any side effects so far, but I am not very sure now. I am 51 year old weighing 75 kg.


I am bit stuck in a rut on this, but I think Rapamycin needs to be cycled and needs to be at a really low level for quite a bit of time. Hence much that there may be a benefit from increasing the dose, reducing the frequency is also likely to be beneficial.

I am currently on 22mg with GFJ, but about every 8 weeks.

IMO there is a likely to be a hazard with too much too frequently.


Agree with John. I go every 2 weeks because I want my low number below 2. Not going to happen when you go weekly at any rate, but you are using more than I use biweekly.


Agreed. I’m now doing a two week cycle with an extra week every other cycle. So I should say an alternating 2 or 3 week cycle. Plus I skip an extra week whenever it would be inconvenient to feel off or recover slowly from workouts. I rarely go longer than 3 weeks however. I take 4-5mg plus 3 grapefruit (-9 / 5 / 2 hours before rapa).

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Matt Kaeberlein discussed this in the recent PEARL trial video. His belief is that you want a couple of days under the 1 ng/ML (or below the detection limit of the test), if you take rapamycin every week without break. If you take period breaks he suggests you may not need that “zeroing out” of the blood levels.