mTOR activation and AD

Hi all–I’m taking weekly rapamycin for AD prevention (.1 mg/kg) due to family history and genetic risk of AD. I’m in my 50s with no cognitive decline.

I recently read that “Treatment with rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, completely blocked psychedelic-induced neuritogenesis” (Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity - PMC)

Wait, rapamycin blocks neurogenesis? That seems like a bad thing…

Then I came across this 2022 study by Shi et al. that found that, in knockout mice, “Inhibition of mTOR pathway with rapamycin, a well-established immunosuppressant, downregulated Trem2 in microglia and reduced Aβ plaque clearance indicating that mTOR inactivation may be detrimental in Aβ-associated AD patients.”

It can’t tell whether the rapamycin treatment in this study was started before or after AD was already established. (I understand that rapamycin is unlikely to prevent or reverse AD once it’s established, which is why I’m taking it in my 50s.) Rapamycin admin was apparently chronic (not pulsed) at 2.24 mg/kg/day.

This finding seems concerning. I don’t see any threads on this topic in this forum or elsewhere online. Am I missing something? Perhaps this finding could be explained by the dosage and/or chronic administration.

From Shi et al (2022):

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway is a key regulator for major cellular metabolic processes. However, the link between mTOR signaling and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is not well understood. In this study, we provide compelling in vivo evidence that mTOR activation in microglia would benefit β-Amyloid (Aβ)-related AD pathologies, as it upregulates Trem2, a key receptor for Aβ plaque uptake. Inhibition of mTOR pathway with rapamycin, a well-established immunosuppressant, downregulated Trem2 in microglia and reduced Aβ plaque clearance indicating that mTOR inactivation may be detrimental in Aβ-associated AD patients. This finding will have a significant public health impact and benefit, regarding the usage of rapamycin in AD patients, which we believe will aggravate the Aβ-related AD pathologies.


The neuroprotective effect of rapa is unknown, see this: Rapamycin and Alzheimer disease: a double-edged sword?

There’s a lot of data supporting it (for instance Guardians of the Brain: Exploring the Neuroprotective Potential of Immunosuppressants in Parkinson Disease (P7-3.009) 2024, Reduced Prevalence of Parkinson’s Disease in Patients Prescribed Calcineurin Inhibitors 2024 and Effect of calcineurin/NFAT inhibitors on biomarkers and cognition in a canine model of Alzheimer disease 2023) but there’s also evidence pointing to the other direction:

So… :man_shrugging:


I don’t think the article you cited below suggests the effect is unknown, but rather that it is beneficial only before AD onset, as my initial post stated.

“The neuroprotective effect of rapa is unknown, see this: Rapamycin and Alzheimer disease: a double-edged sword?

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The article suggests that it might be beneficial before AD onset. But as of today, we don’t know.

There’s no certainty, but as you’ve suggested, the evidence points toward benefit before AD onset–particularly for APOE4 types.

I am trying to understand the contrasting findings from Shi et al (2022). It could be explained by the dosage or administration. I can’t find any other studies addressing Trem2 and AD risk, and I would like to know whether others have seen research on rapamycin’s action on the Trem2 pathway and AB deposition.

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We don’t even know if the β-amyloid plaques cause AD. They might be irrelevant (that’s my guess). See also: Increases in amyloid-β42 slow cognitive and clinical decline in Alzheimer’s disease trials 2024


By the way, sirolimus 2–6 mg daily failed in Multiple System Atrophy (MSA): mTOR Inhibition with Sirolimus in Multiple System Atrophy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Futility Trial and 1-Year Biomarker Longitudinal Analysis 2022

The authors pursued the analysis and concluded that: “sirolimus at dosages 2–6 mg/day was unable to inhibit the brain mTOR pathway in patients with MSA” (Neuron-derived extracellular vesicles to examine brain mTOR target engagement with sirolimus in patients with multiple system atrophy 2023).

There was also this n=10 early Phase 1 trial: Cognition, Age, and RaPamycin Effectiveness - DownregulatIon of thE mTor Pathway (CARPE_DIEM) in “older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or early Alzheimer’s disease (AD)”. They published the results but not a paper: what does it mean? :man_shrugging: They’re now running a Phase 2 trial, n=40, results in 2026: Rapamycin - Effects on Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Health (REACH), so I assume at least the Phase 1 trial showed that rapa was safe in this population?

This trial will end in a few months and might tell us more: Evaluating Rapamycin Treatment in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Positron Emission Tomography (ERAP)

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This discussion might be an indication for some of us, to use lower doses, This to avoid that too much rapamycin penetrates the blood brain barrier. and letting the system clear the rapa for a few days before next dose.

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Do we have evidence that rapa crosses the BBB? The above paper found no brain mTOR engagement even at 6 mg per day.

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I can not say we have evidence, but in one part of the lecture given by Prof David Dodick (starting at 28 minutes and ends at he 40 min mark) he speaks of GLPs, metformin and rapamycin in relation to brain health and Alzheimers. This is a reasoning from his point of view and that rapamycin might have a negative effect on Alzheimer’s. But it depends on the timing of the intervention. And one has to consider that he, as a doctor, most likely plays a risk-aversive role. (above all, do no harm)

As I see it, there is a risk, and we don’t have evidence. So what I consider is more of a risk management strategy.

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Low-dose rapamycin might have its own issues unfortunately (although I don’t understand why at all…): Top 5 - Which Currently Available Longevity Interventions Do You Think Are the Best - #201 by Jonas

yes, we face conflicting ideas, and we have to decide on which strategy to use.

Thanks for sharing the info about these clinical trials, adssx. Do you have a link to the pre-print publication of the CARPE-DIEM results? I see the clinical trial data online but not the study results.

That’s the thing: they didn’t publish anything (besides the raw data). You can try to email the lead researcher?

Although β-amyloid plaques probably do not cause AD, it seems unlikely that they’re “irrelevant.”

Trem2 activity in the microglia may hold one possible answer to Alberto Espay’s question, Why do most old people with β-amyloid plaques not get AD?

“Mutations in TREM2 were found to disrupt microglial energy state and function, thus sabotaging microglia’s ability to protect the brain against toxic amyloid plaques (Hong and Stevens, 2017; Ulland et al., 2017). Ulland et al. (2017) also found that microglia in AD patients carrying TREM2 risk variants and in TREM2-deficient mice with AD-like pathology were defective in rapamycin (mTOR) signaling, which affects ATP levels and biosynthetic pathways.” (my emphasis)

As I stated in my initial post, a 2022 study by Shi et al. found that, in knockout mice, “Inhibition of mTOR pathway with rapamycin, a well-established immunosuppressant, downregulated Trem2 in microglia and reduced Aβ plaque clearance indicating that mTOR inactivation may be detrimental in Aβ-associated AD patients.”

It seems that the AD pathology has something to do with the brain’s clearance of toxic β-amyloid plaques–that is, it has something to do with autophagy.

I’m specifically interested in the “TREM2-APOE pathway as a major regulator of microglial functional phenotype in neurodegenerative disease” (The TREM2-APOE pathway drives the transcriptional phenotype of dysfunctional microglia in neurodegenerative diseases - PMC)

The research on TREM2 is new to me, and the Shi et al. 2022 study seems to suggest that rapamycin may downregulate TREM2 and block its potential benefits. That’s what I’m curious about.

I hope someone who read the Shi et al. (2022) and/or knows something about TREM2 and microglial function will respond to this thread.

Where did you find the raw data?

The “Results Posted” tab:

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Thanks, that’s very interesting…and a little unexpected.

I think the thing to remember for both of these is that we are cycling or pulsing rapamycin and mTor inhibition. So I would allow a good interval after taking rapamycin before I would experiment with psychedelics, but the “Psychoplastogens” concept I find fascinating and am reading up on. The mouse study used rapamycin continuously and it took a month before they saw changes. That’s quite different than taking very moderate doses once a week, or less. I think it’s clear that you need mTOR activation, the problem is when it’s over active. Low dose pulsed rapamycin is meant to modulate it, not eliminate it.

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That’s my understanding, too. Thanks for affirming my attempt at understanding of the factors at play: high vs. low dosage and chronic vs. pulsed administration.

The other factor seems to be AD stage. It seems that early administration of rapamycin (before cognitive symptoms appear) promotes beneficial autophagy, but late administration (when AD is already established) exacerbates existing dysfunction of the lysosomal system.

This 2023 summary of recent research cites Shi et al (2022) to come to that same conclusion:

"Rapamycin was found to increase the number of autophagosomes and autophagic lysosomes … Rapamycin has an autophagy-promoting effect on Aβ-depositing cells and attenuates further cellular damage by Aβ, which may be one of the mechanisms by which rapamycin can be used to treat patients who have already developed pathologic features. However, the lysosomal system in the brain is less expressed and slower in the later stages of AD and with aging. Rapamycin inhibits mTOR and activates autophagy to clear Aβ. Decreased lysosomal clearance leads to autophagosomes accumulation, causing autophagic stress and promoting the amyloid plaques formation. Thus rapamycin has a complex, even harmful effect on late AD.

[. . .] Furthermore, rapamycin inhibits microglia activation in the brain and reduces microglia proliferation, yet microglia activation may play a dual role in the AD pathogenesis. "
Si-Jia Hou, Sheng-Xiao Zhang, Yang Li & Sui-Yi Xu, “Rapamycin Responds to Alzheimer’s Disease: A
Potential Translational Therapy” (2023) Clinical Interventions in Aging

On that last point, Hou et al cite the following article that elaborates on the “dual role” of microglia in AD: “Microglia are perpetually engaged in a mutual interaction with the surrounding environment in CNS; thus, diverse microglial reactions at different disease stages may open new avenues for therapeutic intervention and modification of inflammatory activities.” Sarlus H, Heneka MT. Microglia in Alzheimer’s disease. J Clin Invest. 2017;127(9):3240–3249. doi:10.1172/JCI90606

This point backs up Carosi and Sargeant’s metaphor of rapamycin as “double-edged sword,” mentioned earlier in this thread by adssx: “Treatment with rapamycin at a later point would carry a higher chance of exacerbating existing lysosomal problems.” (

PS, I came to the same conclusion on this point also: To avoid inhibiting neurogenesis, “I would allow a good interval after taking rapamycin before I would experiment with psychedelics.”

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