Lots of side effects, Opinions needed

Hello everyone. I started taking Rapamycin last October at 6mg per week in one dosage along with a glass of grapefruit juice.

Some of the side effects have been, boils/acme on head and chest
racing heart
chest congestion to the point where it is difficult to catch my breath
overall flu/chest congestion, phlegm

The symptoms go away after a few days or especially when I skip a week and don’t go away if I dose once a week.

I’m 64yo in pretty good health, 240lbs and generally know my body pretty well so this has been a struggle.
Other drugs I am taking are TRT…been on that for many years
and I added Acarbose in January and other than gas, have no noticeable negative side effects from it.

I’m thinking about dosing every 2 weeks, should I increase the dosage from 6mg to maybe 10 or more?
Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance for everyone’s help

So your dosage is 12 mg or 18 mg one time a week every week or more because of the grapefruit juice, and you’re wondering about side effects?


Oh and I forgot the mouth sores as well, The side effects happened prior to me adding grapefruit juice into the mix

If you have any serious side effects from rapamycin you should just stop. It’s hard to know what can be the cause. Too high dosage, genetics, medical history, etc.

My body would not tolerate this rate. I take 3 or 4 with GFJ every 2 weeks. Any more and I have problems.

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If you have no sides on this dose, which btw is pretty big because it appears GFJ increase absorption to the tune of 2-7 fold with most around 3X-4X (basically you’re getting 12-16 every two weeks) then you are in the same boat as everyone. Nothing unusual or worrisome.

I’ve not heard of any of those side effects (other than the mouth sores of course) on this forum. I would love to hear if anyone else has experienced boils/acne on head and chest
racing heart chest congestion, overall flu/chest congestion, phlegm

@Paperbill Did you start at a low dose 1 or 2 mg, and work your way up?

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If I were to remember one thing about medication is this one. You better start very slow and gradually increase the dose. I found this out more than once (the hard way).

Don’t know about rest of them but this is one of most common side effects even at lower doses.

6 mg + GFJ is about 18 mg equivalent. If you’re taking that dose every week, you’re running with a permanently impaired immune system (which will go back to normal after you stop taking Rapamycin). Your symptoms sound like your immune system is so low you can’t fight off infections you are exposed to. You may want to dose every other week or lower your dose. It’s quite high and giving you these side effects.

Try taking the same dose you’re currently taking but on a 2 week schedule. I’m guessing most of your side effects will disappear.

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