Long-term administration of royal jelly regulates age-related disorders and


@John_Hemming You’ve spoken about royal jelly in the past. How do you find a reliable source? How could anyone test it for pure Royal jelly-ness?

I’d like to try it.

Although I take some every day from Amazon I don’t think it necessarily would be that good for human beings in large quantities. I think it probably has some effects in large quantities.

It has things to improve transcription and things to improve mitochondria.

What I try to do is to get similar effects using other interventions.

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At my age, I have witnessed many crazes and fads; vitamins A, C. E., etc.

Back in the day when people still read magazines "RoyaL Jelly, was touted in articles and advertisements as a cure-all for almost everything.

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The HDAC inhibitor in royal jelly is really weak so people would need to have a diet with mainly royal jelly to have an effect.


What about valproic acid with butyric acid they are decent hdac inhibitors ?

Valproic is strong and butyrate weak. Too much inhibition is bad, however.