Is there anyone taking metformin and acarbose at the same time?

Is there anyone taking metformin and acarbose at the same time? How do you take it and how much do you tak

A little more information might help. Are you wanting to take these for diabetes or longevity or both?

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Yes. I take both. Metformin at night and Acarbose at meals. However the bloating from Acarbose is getting worse and more painful, so I may stop soon.

Berberine (so some similarities to Metformin) and Acarbose (50-100mg per day depending on carb intake). No GI side effects.

Trying to offset the slight risk of raised glc from Rapamycin although my HbA1c is normal.

Im taking advantage of the Dexcom cgm free trial (10 days) in the UK to recheck which might spike my sugar eg Rapa day. When Ive worn a cgm before it was oats and grapes that were spiking my postprandial glc the most

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Yes, Metformin, (1,000mg x 2) Acarbose 100mg x 2 and Jardiance 25 mg, Control glucose in body will reduce inflammation which kills you. Have thought about using Berberine as a substitute

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