Fasting on steroids (photobiomodulation, mega dose rapa, extended fasting)

Have anyone here used photobiomodulation during a extended fast?

I have a really hard time finding anyone with enough knowleadge to discuss this. As we wont have a study that tells us what will be the correct protocol, the best we can do is to guess.

Im about to do my first extended fast, will take 30mg rapamycin on the day before, with a meal and high dose vitamin K2 (reverse the possibly bad effect that dose rapa will have on glucose, so the fast dosent become harder then it already is)

The 5-15 days afterward i will fast. will use binders n certen minerals with it.

I got cellulite post a infection (cottage cheese all over the body). and red light can break this up up to 30%. I see alot of people cure it with just fasting, 5 days and all the cellulite is gone. so i tought why not combine it togheter and supercharge the tissue breakdown…

The thing i wonder tho. red light therapy/NIR will trigger mtor n cell growth. So either the combination will massivly synergyize due to light breaking down scar tissue/toxins in lymph n flush it out, or the mtor increase will interfere with the inhibition of fasting

Or is the mtor increase from photobiomodulation only increased if eating food afterward ?

I feel alot bigger/thicker post a session so it seems to increase blood/anabolic respons pretty well.

This will either hinder autophagy/fasting effect or it will help the muscle loss and make the body remove the damaged tissue instead of healthy muscle

So its very hard to say what will happen.

This will either work incredible, or it will hinder true fasting

When looking at studies it show red/nir increase autophagy on the tissue it hits - but at the same time it increase mtor… wich i belive usually happens one or the other. if autophagy is increased mtor is inhibited, and if mtor is increased autophagy is not inhibited. so how is light doing both?

The thing is, adding a huge dose rapamycin would possibly blunt this effect of protein synthesis from the light and make it synergize with the fast

Get the good thing of red/nir + fasting without the increase in mtor

Have anyone done this combination?

Imagine how much stem cells one would increase using both fullbody red/nir while on a 10 day fast, and doing cycles of this

One last thing. Light seems to be nutrition for the body, so if the entire idea is to starve the body to make it trigger certen responses, giving it light would also sound contraproductive. but at the same time, i never hear people doing a extended fast and is avoiding sunlight, as sunlight is anabolic

Toughts on all of this?

Do you have any studies that show K2 lowering glucose, and light stimulating mtor?

I’ve done a 10 day fast and several 7 day fasts. After about 4 days I have to be really really careful driving. I’ll think that I’m driving fine but I will be unaware of the traffic around me, i.e. loss of concentration, loss of situational awareness. So be careful and best wishes.

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