Exemestane as testosterone booster

Hello everybody,
Since 3 months I’ve been taking exemestane to get rid off a small gynecomastia and avoid surgery (and the related cost!). Exemestane is an aromatase inhibitor, the logic beyond that was lower my estradiol level and increase my total testosterone, wich would create a better estradiol/testosterone ratio.
I discovered that exemestane in male usually reduces estradiol by 30/40% (no the same for women: 98% reduction), so no risk to crash my E2.
For now, gyno is still there but is no longer itchy.

Bloodwork-wise :
Total T : 400 ng/dL
E2: 32 pg/mL
LH : 2.2 UI/L
FSH : 4.5 UI/L

After a week :
Total T : 443 ng/dL
E2: 27 pg/mL
LH 7.4 UI/L
FSH 8.8 UI/L

After 2.5 months:
Total T : 591 ng/dL
E2 : 25 pg/mL
LH : 2.4 UI/L
FSH 4.8 UI/L

No change in total cholesterol, HDL or LDL. I’m 21.
So, total testo +47.75%, E2 -22%
No side effects. No great effect. I don’t know what to think. I might continue for the T boosting effect, because i got low T for my age, and I think exemestane is way less toxic than enclomiphene or SERM in general.

Hope this experiment can help some of you : you can do that instead of a TRT injection ?
In my stack I’m currently taking also telmisartan 80mg, jardiance 25mg, acarbose 600mg, tirzepatide 5mg, nebivolol 5mg, ezetimibe 10mg, pravastatine 10mg, levothyroxine 150µg, vortioxetine 10mg)


Wow that is an impressive increase. You are not taking any other testosterone boosting supplement or pharmaceutical?

No I’m not. That the only med or supplement I take to improve T level

Thanks for sharing your experience.

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Tamoxifen is often disfavored because of toxicity, but did you also have concerns about raloxifene? Perhaps the clotting risk? It seems to be very well tolerated and usually outperforms the others for this purpose. Just curious.

Raloxifene like toremifene seems less toxic but do not increases testosterone as exemestane. For what I’ve read when gyno is installed these molecules barely help

Yes, that’s right that you wouldn’t use raloxifene if you’re trying to reduce estrogen to boost testosterone.

But if the goal is to reduce gynecomastia, it is usually the first choice, though occasionally men have better luck with tamoxifen.

Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia

Mean (SD) age of treated subjects was 14.6 (1.5) years with gynecomastia duration of 28.3 (16.4) months. Mean reduction in breast nodule diameter was 2.1 cm (95% CI 1.7, 2.7, P <.0001) after treatment with tamoxifen and 2.5 cm (95% CI 1.7, 3.3, P <.0001) with raloxifene. Some improvement was seen in 86% of patients receiving tamoxifen and in 91% receiving raloxifene, but a greater proportion had a significant decrease (>50%) with raloxifene (86%) than tamoxifen (41%). No side effects were seen in any patients

Endocrine treatment of physiological gynaecomastia

All patients responded: there was an average
reduction in size of 61% (range: 34-100%); in 2 patients gynaecomastia
disappeared. Six of 8 eugonadal patients (75%) had a reduction in the size
of breast tissue of at least 50%

Aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole and exemestane will reduce estradiol to lower the risk of developing gyno, but if you already have it and need to reduce it, raloxifene would probably be the first choice.

But if there is hard tissue (lumps), it’s still common to need surgery to remove the glands.

Patient education: Gynecomastia (breast enlargement in males) (Beyond the Basics)

Surgery — Although tamoxifen and raloxifene are effective for males who have had enlarged breasts for a few months, the drug is not effective in males whose breast tissue is not tender or who have had the condition for more than one year

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My understanding is there can be serious issues from taking AI’s for too long

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That seems to be true on women who can have estradiol level near zero for years. Note sure if we can applied the same logic on men here.

E2 is only one measurement. I agree with the post above that it is a bad long term plan, but do as you please.