Bodybuilding and Rapamycin in conjunction with non-hormonal and non-steroid supplements

Hello there !

I’m new to this forum and found it to be the perfect place for coming up with questions for rapamycin involvement in different aspects of our daily routines.

The one that I’m after in particular is bodybuilding, I’ve decided to return to it after a year+ long absence due to injury. I’ve not yet gone through initial screening and checking to be put on rapamycin yet but intend to do so in the near future, which is where my question kind of comes in…

I was wondering if there’s anyone in this forum who’s very much into bodybuilding and how well do they do with their rapamycin intake in so far as their goals and progress are concerned as currently, there’s this narrative going around that hypothetically, rapamycin should be counter indicative for hypertrophy mainly due to the mTOR interactions. I did in fact scope some bodybuilding forums out but couldn’t necessarily find the necessary info, especially with’s forum closure that happened recently that contained two decades worth of workout and supplementation associated knowledge.

The second part of my question is if whether or not rapa could potentially interact with non-hormonal anabolic supplements that contain flavones, sterols, stims, plant extracts etc, excluding whey protein, creatine and basic amino’s and putting more of an emphasis on non-hormonal stimulant products as they tend to be the more potent and risk free alternative to SARMS and real gear/steroids.

I’d appreciate any relevant info and input. Thank you for your time and sorry if it’s posted on the wrong board.


Hi, and welcome to the forums. I’m sure other people will add their comments as this is a very specific list of questions you have.

But, I also wanted to point you to some discussions we’ve had in the past on this general area of rapamycin impact on muscle growth and healing after exercise - in case you had not yet seen them. They provide a good background on some of they related discussions on this topic:



This more than helps me ! Pardon my ignorance, will give all of these a very thorough read !

All the best !


N=1 and anecdotal evidence, but I’ve been a lifetime bodybuilder and endurance athlete. I’m 5’8’', 180lbs, and 7-8% body fat. I haven’t noticed any detriment of weekly rapamycin to strength or endurance training. I can’t say I’ve noticed any specific benefit in that regard either, but it doesn’t appear to hinder performance or body composition from my experience.


Very similar to @Shady, I’m 5’11" 190lbs and same 7-8% BF. I am a long time endurance cyclist and body builder (yes, competing modalities I know … LOL) and take weekly 6-8mg Rapamycin (going on 18months now). I’ve had my levels throughly tested and at 8mg I peak around 20ng (1-2 hours after dosing), am down to 3ng by 24 hours after dosing, and down to low but detectable 1 week out before my next dose (~1ng). 6mg leaves me undetectable at 1 week. I’ve played around with timing and now dose my Rapa Sunday afternoon after my last weekend cycle (no lifting Sunday) and then Monday is my recovery day (light ride fasted on a trainer and light core workout, no big lifts). I do my big lifts Tues-Saturday and based on my data assume by Tuesday afternoon (48 hours after dosing) my Sirolomus level is in the low single digits and MToR inhibition is minimal. I’ve settled on this routine mostly because it “makes sense” to me not because I felt any impacts of the Rapa. My bodybuilding had continued to be effective unimpeded by the Rapamycin.


Hello there Shady and thank you so much for the insightful info…

Being a bodybuilder, I can imagine that in your lifetime you’ve probably resorted at some point to a moderate or even substantial supplementation regimen ? In the past, I’ve cycled some of ANIMAL’s bodybuilding supplements, these are very high quality alternatives to gear, I’ve had exceptional results as I use to take 9 different supplements excluding whey at a time, have you had any supplementation experience with supps that contain plant sterols & extracts, flavones, stims etc ? Have they in any way shape or form interacted with rapa ?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I haven’t noticed rapamycin interacting with any bodybuilding supplements. In that realm I take a whey protein powder, creatinine (10g daily), a collagen supplement, and some type of pre workout with caffeine occasionally. I don’t venture much further than that in regards to bodybuilding supplements as at 39 I enjoy lifting weights, but my goal isn’t to be massively strong like it was in my 20’s.

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