You are only as young as your oldest part...I now have all my stats pre starting Rapamycin

@RPS, thank you for posting this plan. I appreciate you sharing your combinational approach; it looks really well thought out and interesting — definitely triggering some thought processes on my end!

Tongkat Ali: I’ve seen this recommended many times and it makes sense to consider it around weightlifting days due to its potential benefits in boosting testosterone and enhancing performance.

Ca-AKG: May I ask for the reasoning behind including it with weightlifting? Does it not activate the AMPK pathway, which is typically associated with catabolic rather than anabolic processes?

Also, the pulsed intake of Telmisartan/Bempedoic Acid + Ezetimibe within one week is very interesting. I’ve also pondered what the optimal combination might be for these compounds? Is the positioning within one week rather empirical, or are there some deeper considerations behind that choice?

Looking forward to hearing about your experience following this great strategy!


@RPS I like how your mind works. Make sure you are clear on your goals. At 10% body fat you are at the low end. If you are not putting on muscle (if that is a goal) you should consider more protein and then more calories. If more muscle and slowing aging are in conflict, I’d add the muscle and then hold it while emphasizing the other goals. The key with muscle is to avoid falling so low that you lose the ability to get back what is lost in a “catabolic crisis” (illness, surgery, etc).

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Firstly, sorry for the wrong impression, the daily pharmaceuticals are taken every week. It was just written at the bottom for completeness as an afterthought.
Interesting though that you think about even pulsing these. Maybe one to ponder about for the future though.

Re the Ca-AKG, I’ve been in 2 minds about this one having read somewhere that it is a useful weightlifting boost. I’m working my way through a 120 capsule bottle. Once done, if I don’t notice any drop off in performance I will drop it.

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I’ve been doing the weight lifting for 35 years. My fat % has always been on the low side despite eating (what looks like) enormous amounts of food every day.
I feel strong; I’m close to all time personal bests on the strength side, but being 55 now I noticed a real dip in strength when fasting and I just want to maintain the current strength levels for as long as possible. (And who really wants to fast for 3 days anyway - it’s not my idea of fun!!)
(I’m now more wary about pushing it too heavy as injuries as a result have become all too frequent).


@RPS Awesome. To avoid injuries I do 3 things in the gym:
(1) I back off (stop the exercise immediately for the day or skip an exercise for a day) if I feel a muscle or tendon is “not right”
(2) I start with a warmup set for every muscle group
(3) I go for high reps to failure. I NEVER do a weight that I can’t lift 10 times in a set when fresh. A 30 rep set is not unusual but I aim for 15-20 reps.

I’m not going for max strength or max muscle size. I just want high stimulus to my body.


Goals are simple - remain fully functioning in body and mind for as long as possible.


I’ve always really enjoyed trying to push the 1rep max personal bests and I know I need to get away from this now to avoid the injuries.


I have “normal” systolic BP in the morning (120) and “elevated” (130) during the day. I am considering including telmisartan into my regimen and have found consistent studies showing that Telmisartan activates AMPK and Telmisartan Suppresses mTOR Activation. With that, I am tending to try a small dosage of telmisartan on my “AMPK days” (aerobic exercise + resting days after aerobic exercise) - constantly monitoring all parameters.

Any critiques on this idea? :blush:


On that basis I might try 80mg on AMPK days and 40mg on the others.

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It’s almost a no-brainer for anybody older, few downsides and it may be one of the best preventative medicines you can take. I have taken it for almost a year. It has stabilized my daytime BP to between 100-100 systolic and 50 to 60 diastolic.
I have felt no dizziness etc.

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Thank you for your opinion - appreciate it.