Why doesn’t misha Blagosclonny look younger?

Matt Kaeberlein cites research on rats that shows rapamycin preserves muscle mass during aging and speculates this may be related to its anti-inflammatory properties, see Can you Build Muscle on Rapamycin?.

I think the simplistic view that mTor is either off or on, overlooks the complexity of the process. David Sabatini describes over 20 downstream processes in this podcast Rapamycin: potential longevity benefits, surge in popularity, unanswered questions, so clearly mTor is not simply an on/off switch. Not only that but it’s likely that different agents impact different tissues in different ways. For example, while leucine may stimulate muscle protein synthesis, it’s unlikely to cause the neural tissue to grow. That’s a guess of course, but I believe a more nuanced approach is needed and we are still far from understanding the mechanisms involved in mTor modulation generally and rapamycin specifically.


Hahaha… thanks :wink:.

You’re correct. It’s 0.2%. I corrected that post thank you. Should have looked at the bottle.

I’ve been using it for about 3 and 1/2 years from Carefirst pharmacy. It is prescription. Same physician that put me on rapamycin filled that prescription for the lotion too. About six months after I started taking the rapamycin pills.

Seems to be doing the job. My dermatologist says my skin is fantastic for my age.


Ok, good we caught that snafu. I will soon have my own home made lotion with Sirolimus powder I bought from India. I hope my results are as good as yours!! Thanks for the info and way to go!!

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Hey Brett, I get to Stockholm every now and then. I definitely will look you up when i’m hanging out with my friends there.

Also, I like Gothenburg. It’s a bit quieter… in that city.

I hope you get similar results. I do think that it’s been great for removing age spots, sebaceous tags… moles, and revitalizing the skin.

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I would love that, see you!

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What is your source of sirolimus powder in India? Never heard that before.

Search at indiamart.com, plenty of suppliers.