Why doesn’t misha Blagosclonny look younger?

I think you look wonderful! Youthful and fit!


For me this topic would have been more valuable if the replies would have related more to the topic.
So how mr Blagosclonny is searching for a new route to fight his cancer, how that could lead to new venues for other patients too. And a bit more courteous by wishing him al the best.

While I find the pictures of LaraPo and Agetron a positive contribution to the forum they deserve an own topic e.g. who is looking better after some years of rapamycin


Ummm… it is in the poster’s opening question.

Sabrina - What’s the point of rapamycin if it doesn’t make you appear younger.

And have you seen anybody on rapamycin who appears youthful?”

Just answering her question. :wink: “Why doesn’t Mikhail Blagosklonny [sic] look younger?”

Your question is completely different from what is posted… perhaps you need to post that question.

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I don’t think a few years of rapamycin is likely to protect you completely from the ravages of years of smoking (both on skin / face, and cancer predisposition based on DNA damage of carcinogens).


He said it was something small- not a tumor mass. I doubt that it was an early lung cancer so many years ago. It’s not clear. Genetic predisposition, life style play a big role. Rapamycin can’t overcome all obstacles, but hopefully can help


Let us not forget that he is 60 years old. The Soviet Union ended in 1991 or 30 years ago. Unless he lived in Soviet Georgia, he had 30 years of Soviet diet - no fresh vegetables other than beets and potatoes most of the year, no meat to speak of, little sunshine for Vit d, no supplements, giardia in thecwater supply, crap medical care and smoking not Western cigs but Russian paprosi that were 10 times worse. I was only there 3 years but felt like I had aged 20.


My picture is the answer to @DrFraser post about menopausal women accumulating some fat in the middle and is completely in line with our main topic of Rapamycin. Those who take Rapa for a long time tend to look younger, have better skin, and maintain better muscle tone. Btw I thank Rapamycin for not becoming fatter in the middle, along with my diet of course. Question to you, @Karel1 why are you taking Rapamycin? Do you hope to extend youth and look younger than your chronological age?


He lived in St Petersburg, where I lived as well. We had all kinds of fresh veggies, and not just potatoes and beets :grinning:, seasonal fruit (cherries, apricots, apples, plums), berries like strawberries, raspberries, black and red currant, grapes, oranges in winter, caviar all year round, excellent choice of fresh fish, several kinds of pickled herring (try to find it in the US), all kinds of cheese, fresh produce, including meet and poultry in the farmer’s markets. Healthy diet is a choice. Not smoking is also a choice as well as not drinking. We all make different choices in life and pay for our choices later. We also have different genetic predispositions. Imo it’s not possible to figure out why Dr B looked older while being on Rapa.


When I see ppl who look younger on Rapa, I always associate it with their younger biological age, which means better health. It’s inspiring to me. We should share more of our good results imo.


@LaraPo @Agetron

Aside from looking healthy, I had no clue, or even hope, that rapa would potentially make me look younger or better… better skin etc… if so, this would be quite a nice perk!!!


Thanks Beth -. How I think this is working better at my age. Starting rapamycin at 60, I was at basically the cusp of getting older. That I was still looking okay. Where rapamycin has thrown me back 22 years in glycans, my inflammation is like somebody who is 44 years. And my methylation test, my DNA is saying that I’m about 13 years younger, so if my biological changes are going back that long, it seems to make sense that skin and other aspects physiologically will also start responding at those younger years. Now, if you’re a lot older and taking rapamycin;. perhaps you won’t see as drastic a change, but it will at least hold you where you’re at.

Same If you’re in your 30’s or 40s, you will just experience the Golden Age of staying where you’re at for a decade. That’s your benefit, but you’re not gonna see yourself looking 20, but perhaps when you’re 50, you’ll still look mid 30’'s. Just my thoughts.

Personally, I do feel like these past 4 years on rapamycin. I haven’t moved forward very much in age at all. A lot of repair. A lot of great things physiologically, but aging in itself very slow.


That “something small” showed on Xray couple decades (if not more) ago and in Russia. If he were properly diagnosed with a CT scan in the US, it could be a different diagnoses. He also wrote that he never followed up or rechecked it until they found cancer decades later.


Lara po - Are we talking about Leningrad USSR? You must have had a relative in the Central Committee because you could not buy this stuff in a dollar beriozka let alone a local market.

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Talking about my childhood and teen years in Leningrad. Beryozka btw did not sell fruits and vegetables :smiley: but rather matryoshkas, crystals, embroidery, souvenirs, and some clothes. It’s definitely the wrong place to look for produce, besides a few brands of Russian vodka. Have you ever been to a farmers’s market? There were only three cities in the whole country that had “everything” - it’s Moscow, St Pete’s, and Kiev.


i won’t bore everyone here by continuing this discussion. But here is a photo of the Berioska price list from the 1970s

That’s an outstanding explanation and your photos speak volumes

I am fine with how I look now at 58, but if I could somehow slow the visual clock, and not even move it backwards, I’ll be thrilled!!! I’m having a bad hair day, so this is coming at the right time :slight_smile:


Very youthful waist Lara : )


To answer your question- yes and very much so. That said it may be either due to rapa or something else. Something else could be genetics, lifestyle, etc. Also myself I sometimes ponder related question - does rapamycin ( or loosely related another mtor interventions such as calorie restriction ) make anybody or any mammal look younger? What we know is that very long term intervention with cr will reduce animal’s rate of aging and make animal look younger and hence better than control group. Fur is less grey, etc. However, this is after a very long term intervention. So in summary, I see high value in adding visual age test besides aging clocks to determine the value and efficacy of any anti-aging intervention.


Dr Greger is heavily protesting your proposal.


Does sun exposure (solar irradiation) age more than just your skin, though?

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