Testosterone Replacement for Older Men

I got my shipment of Enclomiphene Citrate from Receptor Chem in about 2 weeks, pretty good time frame coming from the UK the transaction was easy as they take credit card payments from the website/shopping cart. I bought 2 30ml bottles, came to $109 total with shipping etc., it comes in a liquid and I was impressed that they included a 1ml dosing syringe. This is about 17% of the price Maximus is charging for the same but in pill form.

I read that the liquid tastes nasty, so I took my first 1ml/12.5mg dose in about 3 ounces of room temp coffee, slammed it down the hatch and there was no unpleasant taste or after taste. In about an hour I could start to feel it work, I took it 4 hours after I ate lunch. All I can say is wow! First thing that happens is my testes start tingling and buzzing, then I could feel the muscles in my arms start to feel full and tight, then later on the evening my muscles felt ripped! Same feeling I used to get many years ago when I was younger after I would work out. This feeling tapered off after about 24 hours. I also had a boost of energy and positive well being, and my brain felt great (no cognitve/memory sloginess I have been battling last few years). I thought it would keep me up at night and prevent me from sleeping, but I slept well that night. There were no noticeable adverse side effects… none!

I know this is anecdotal and subjective, you guys want before and after labs, but I know it works for me… at least once Lol I will take my next dose tomorrow and see what happens. Usually when I take a new supplement for the first time I get a bang out of it, then not so some much after, hope this isn’t the same. I will take this dose 2 days per week as part of my injectionless TRT stack and see how it goes.


I just watched a pretty convincing to me yt vid that explains how TRT effectiveness should be evaluated based on symptom relief not on lab results! The presenter showed a study where symptom relieve was experienced most by injectable TRT, but with the test cream and clomid the relief wasn’t far behind that.
I know that I have experienced a noticeable increase in muscle strength when working out, sexual stimulation, and overall energy levels during the day, this from the no needles TRT stack I have outlined above. I am on week 3 of using Enclomiphene Citrate 2x per week and after a few months I’ll report back on my experience. checkout the 32’ mark:


why was authorization for marketing refused for enclomifene

Enclomiphene is an approved medication, but its use is targeted towards a specific condition. This condition is called secondary hypogonadotropic.
You can get it if you can get you doctor to prescribe it.


I thought his explanation on why clomid seems to work for some but not others was very insightful. Interesting that enclomiphene has a half life of 10 hours with a fairly predictable response, while zuclomiphene has a half life of 30 DAYS and a wide variance in response… some people can just process the zuclomiphene much better than others.


@RufusDawes I thought this was very good. Thanks.

This doctor is great. I love his videos.

Are you sure about that? Everywhere I looks says it’s not approved for any use, and it looks like it has to be obtained from a compounding pharmacy.

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Enclomiphene is not currently an approved medication in most countries, including the United States. Here’s a brief overview of its status:

  1. FDA status: Enclomiphene is not FDA-approved for any indication in the US.

  2. Development history: It was being developed as a potential treatment for secondary hypogonadism in men, but has not yet received regulatory approval.

  3. Clinical trials: It has undergone several clinical trials, showing promise in raising testosterone levels in men with secondary hypogonadism.

  4. Distinction from clomiphene: Enclomiphene is the trans-isomer of clomiphene. Clomiphene (which is approved) contains both cis- and trans-isomers.

  5. Potential advantages: Some researchers believe enclomiphene might offer benefits over clomiphene by avoiding certain estrogenic effects.

  6. Regulatory attempts: There have been attempts to gain FDA approval, but as of now, these have not been successful.

  7. Availability: It may be available in some countries for research purposes, but it’s not approved for general medical use in most jurisdictions.

  8. Future prospects: Research continues, and it’s possible that enclomiphene could gain approval in the future if safety and efficacy are demonstrated to regulatory standards.


You are right. Enclomiphene is not approved by the FDA, but it is not banned because it is a derivative of clomiphene. So currently it appears to be in a gray area.

A search online will find “concierge” physicians who will provide it,as well as several sites in the U.S. that will supply it through a relationship of “concierge” physicians.

What I don’t understand is why I can’t buy pure enclomiphene from India or other overseas sources. I am just a few weeks away from a test using India-supplied enclomiphene, which is not pure enclomiphene, and many claim it is just clomid. Maybe I will try Russia.

I am not willing to pay the overhead of a concierge physician.

Are these source any good?

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Thanks for the input.
I haven’t tried the Brit one, but it seems a little sketchy because they don’t keep their website up to date and I don’t think I want the liquid form. They may be legit, I don’t know.

The second one seems more legit, but since it requires a doctor’s consultation (online) it is probably a little pricey. Again, I don’t know.

Right now I think I will wait for the results of my next tests before I pursue other avenues.


Attia no longer prescribes clomid to boost testosterone because it increases desmosterol serum levels, and high desmosterol is associated with increased ASCVD risk. I’m guessing enclomiphene would have similar risks, given it’s similar structure.


I’ve got some gonadorelin coming, hopefully next week.

I prefer to use secretagogue type interventions when it comes to hormones. That may just be a bias on my part to use things that tell the related organs to do their job better. As opposed to replacing the hormone directly and inhibiting the organs from doing their job.

Stimulating Therapy as opposed to Replacement Therapy (xRT as in TRT)

This could just be me trying to internally justify the “crazy” things I do and want to do, with a modicum of “safety” :slight_smile:

Self deception is a powerful drug…


Good video. What’s the guy’s name. Can’t quite read it on his shirt.

I don’t think so… the issues with clomid is that it is comprised of two components, enclomiphene and zuclomiphene… the prior has a half life of 10 hours while the latter 30 days! The zuclomiphine accumulates over time and is suspected of causing the issues related to clomid… Enchlomiphone Citrate does not contain zuclomiphene.

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I think it is Dr. Andrew Wenge, his youtube channel is “man medicine”.


Yes, I can vouch for Recptor Chem. A 30-ml bottle with 12.5 mg/ml runs $49. A double dose of 25 mg/day sent my T soaring from 200 to 1100. Too high for comfort. Maximus will want to enroll you as a client. Big $$.


Maximus ( https://www.maximustribe.com/) was mentioned as one of the top providers in this Men’s Health article: 5 Best Testosterone Replacement Therapy Services 2023

The same article says Blokes ( Testosterone Replacement Therapy | TRT Treatment | Sleep | BLOKES.CO) also prescribes enclomiphene.

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How did you take the dose?
More importantly, how did it make you feel?

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