Survey: Your Kidney function (eGFR) and age?

72 is great for a transplant. May it serve you long and well.


The standard renal diet is low sodium, potassium, phosphorous, and protein. Little or no alcohol.

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My creatinine and Cystatin-C levels move around quite a bit depending on how much I am drinking (which can be a lot) and how much Sodium and Potassium I am supplementing (which can be a lot).

What I think is happening is that the kidneys have a standard function available and prioritise different tasks in various ways. If you increase the amount of Potassium or Sodium to be excreted that takes a priority over creatinine or Cystatin-C processing. (it may for example be a demand on ATP for this in some way). Hence the potential kidney function itself is not changing, but the biomarkers are.

Other biomarkers I look at for kidney function are Urea and Urate. Urate, however, varies a lot anyway.

At the moment I am trying to get an ideal balance between cation supplementation and kidney markers. This is so I can supplement with a high level of citrate, but have good results on the kidney biomarkers.

Are you on rapamycin? It should help with your inflammation.

After an acute kidney injury at age 70, my GFR pegged at 16 for eight or nine months. My nephs told me to prepare myself for dialysis. I told them, ā€œNo way. Iā€™d rather die.ā€ But then, quite unexpectedly, my GFR jumped to 24. That was seven years ago. It is now around 40. And I am not unique. .

If the cause of CKD is hypertension, then the progression of the disease will be arrested or reversed in about five percent of cases. Lucky me. Of course, I contributed to my own cause by strictly adhering to the renal diet. Iā€™m now taking SS-31, which I hope will have an even more salubrious effect on the kidneys.

Where in this long paper does it refer to optimal BP? My neph is telling me that 122 is good enough.

Date of Testing 5/20/24
Age 54
Weight 98.5 pounds
Height 5ā€™1
Creatinine 0.85
eGFR 81 (per lab)
Minimally processed omnivore diet/take creatine most days
No alcohol or tobacco
Rapa 1.5 years


Itā€™s in the image I linked to: Optimal Blood Pressure we Should Target? Systolic Under 110 or 100? - #392 by adssx

ā€œAim for SBP <120 mm Hgā€

Based on: ā€œRecommendation 3.4.1: We suggest that adults with high BP and CKD be treated with a target systolic blood pressure (SBP) of <120 mm Hg, when tolerated, using standardized office BP measurement (2B).ā€ (see page S212)

120 mm Hg in ā€œoffice BPā€ means 115 mm Hg using 24h ABPM (source).


Yes, thank you. I saw it after I posted. How goes your own quest to lower your BP?

Not much progress after 4 weeks of taurineā€¦ So Iā€™ll add CoQ10 100 mg I thinkā€¦

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