Scientists Discover That Taurine Promotes Anti-Aging

According to, Bulk supplements is a top pick for amino acids like Taurine and for Astaxanthin.


I think you’re overextrapolating. CL did make Bulk supplements their top pick for taurine, but they didn’t give them an overall top pick for aminos. BS fails CL testing more often than they pass, as for quercetin, ginkgo, rutin, and just last week their magnesium. CL didn’t test BS’ astaxanthin themselves: they summarized a report issued by NOW Foods that said that BS’ asta was one of the few products that passed their testing.

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I see that some brands now market “tasteless taurine”. The taurine I am used to, have a distinct mouthfeel when you take a teaspoon of T in your mouth. I wonder what is changed, since that mouthfeel now is eliminated?

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Yes Bulk Supplements have failed testing on some of their polyphenols. Like everything else you do need to do your own research.

I trust NOW foods and their testing. I still trust Bulk supplements for their taurine, citrulline, Astaxanthin and amino acids. CL also rated Bulk Supplements as their top pick for the amino acid L-citrulline.

I disagree with the statement that Bulk Supplements fails more often than not. But I would say that you have to be aware of what you buy from them unlike NOW where you can assume everything is high quality.


NOW is my favorite supplement brand. I have never seen a product test bad and their prices are reasonable.