Rapamycin side effect? Diarrhea

Hi Devon,

I had/have the same problem and posted about it here. Diarrhea from rapamycin

I got diarrhea from just a 1mg dose, and it happened every time.

I cut back to 0.25 mg (a quarter of a tablet) and found it manageable. I also seemed to have an improvement when I took probiotics before taking the rapamycin. I also took it with a meal.

I’m now taking 0.5mg twice a week. I don’t get the same severe diarrhea, but there is some sensitivity still.

Another suggestion that has been made is to put the rapa in enteric-coated tablets to bypass the stomach. I haven’t tried this yet but you may find it helpful.

I hope you see an improvement.

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Thank you, dontwakeme, for sharing your experience. Having recently had a Prenuvo full body scan (they found cancer in my husband), done a blood biopsy for cancer, and had a full physical, with all looking good, I’m figuring it is likely attributable to the rapamycin. Plus, I’ve stopped taking it since I have a surgery coming up and the problem has resolved. What I take is sirolimus compounded by a pharmacy Dr. Green works with on Long Island. He wants me to do more blood work to investigate, so I’ll do that but I doubt we’ll find anything out of whack. When I go back on Rapa I’ll go really slowly and take with the probiotics recommended by another person in this group. I really do want to figure out how to tolerate it, as the doctor who prescribed metformin for me for aging benefits has retired and my new doctor doesn’t want to continue it. Take care -


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All oral rapamycin has to be enteric coated, otherwise it won’t work. When you cut the tablet you expose the contents to the acid, so I am not sure if you are really absorbing anything.


This is my 4th week on Rapamycin, 2mg, 3mg, and 4mg, and at all doses I have had “almost” diarrhea the whole time, slightly more so at 4mg. I’m a 122 lb female if it makes any difference, dose wise. I am hoping over time it will resolve as my body adapts, since it doesn’t seem optimal. Can you share what Dr. Green said if you’ve followed up with him yet?

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Hi Joodles. Your experience is not dissimilar to mine. I went through a battery of stool sample tests and nothing was found, so it likely wasn’t an infection, parasite, or sign of a disease discernible from that kind of testing. I’ve been off the rapamycin for 2 months as I had to have back surgery. The diahrea has resolved during that time. I am planning on going back on it (slowly, like you) once the 3 months of bone healing is past. It will be interesting to see if the diarrhea returns. If it does, I will then follow Dr. Greene’s recommendation of other blood tests. I’ll post about that as it might be helpful to the few others who seem to have this side effect.