Opinion about Finasteride and DHT

Thanks Desertshores…

I have been on finasteride 5mg since I was 32 years old… so about 33+ years. Taking it every other day … more or less.

Also, I eat 1 pound of steak every other day after my evening gym workout (don’t hate on me vegan advocates - lol).

No atherosclerosis my numbers are zero on my Coronary Calcium Scan. It has been 2 years since my last test… I will redo this test in April.

Has my regular use of finestride for 3 decades not only kept my hair, and my urologist says my healthy prostate is the size of a guy in his 20’s, but also protected me from plaque in view of my high saturated fat diet?

Hmmm… curious. More when I get a new scan.


Interestingly, the decrease in DHT will be partially compensated by the androgen backdoor pathway.

Androgen backdoor pathway


I don’t have strong opinions one way or another on Finasteride, but thought people should be aware of this type of article (not to be alarmist, it seems like a small percent of users):

Would you risk a breakdown to cure baldness?

Thousands of men claim that finasteride has given them devastating and long-lasting side-effects

Full Story: Would you risk a breakdown to cure baldness? (Economist.com)


I’ve survived the covid vaccine which, according to internet anecdotes and database reports, has killed hundreds of millions of people, so I think I’ll be fine :sunglasses:


Any opinions about using finasteride in someone with a history of gynecomastia (had surgical procedure to remove tissue)? Oral minoxidil really hasn’t done anything for me even though I’ve been on it for a year. Would appreciate any insights. Thanks y’all

I don’t have any opinions on finasteride, but I do recommend you check out the topical formulations that people are using here:


What was the dosage amount?

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I’m on 2.5mg BID of oral minoxidil for the past 8 months

If you already got your glands removed, there should be no more risk with finasteride developing gyno due to excess estrogen I believe.

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I am currently trying 5mg daily for a month or so, and it seems that my hair is getting thicker. However, I’ve noticed a significant difference in my body hair, which is becoming freakishly thicker and growing longer. I will probably stop taking it as I don’t want to start shaving my arms or shortening my brows.


I what I have read most doctors recommended 5mg per day of minoxidil for hair growth for men. See

And that is what I have just started trying.


I do take 5mg daily but I split it up as 2.5mg twice daily. Is there data to suggest I should be taking 5mg once daily vs 2.5mg twice daily?

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Oh no, I thought you were only taking it once per day. I am sure you are probably doing fine.

I just looked up BID

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Check with the surgeon, if they removed all of the breast tissue. Not sure if they are as thorough as they are with cancer. Overweight/obese people convert testosterone to estrogen at higher level, and finasteride can raise your testosterone, at least initially.
Ask the surgeon, though. If they do all of male mastectomies, they have a lot more experience with risk factors.

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Twice daily minoxidil seems safer than 5mg at least.


I think I have some hair loss, before very pronounced at one spot at one time, but my Zinc was low, got reversed after supplementation.
Does finasteride work for non-DHT causes of hair loss if that is the case?

Finasteride is strictly a 5ar type 2 inhibitor, not an unspecific growth stimulant like minoxidil or stemoxydine. If your hairloss is really from zinc deficiency, all you have to do is wait a few months for your hair to regrow. Stemoxydine can speed up that process.
It’s always best to check for miniaturization though. That is the telltale sign of DHT-induced hairloss.


This is such a small dose, jesus christ. But it checks out.

I don’t even know how you make it.

I can split a 5 mg finasteride dose in half, then mix each half with creatine in a 28 capsule machine.

With 00 vegetarian capsules, mixing in a mortar and pestle with geometric dilution (finasteride tablet powder, then an equal amount of creatine, mix it, then an equal amount of creatine for finasteride+creatine, and so on, doubling each time).
That means each capsule has 2.5/28 = 0.09 mg finasteride, good enough.

I wonder if there could be made a case for microdosing other pharma products (especially if someone doesn’t find a reason to increase dose).

0.2 mg has better data for hair loss, though, can easily be fixed by using one 5 mg finasteride tablet for each 28 capsules (0.18 mg).


Wouldn’t it be easier to take 1 mg of finasteride once a week, or even once every two weeks? Its biological half-life is a couple of weeks.


I also have a capsule maker, but geometric dilution of small quantities of dry powder created from crushed tablets isn’t easy even with tracer dye and commercial fillers.

To control dosing more precisely, I just crush a few pills with a mortar and pestle, then dissolve in Costco Minoxidil.

I use a very weak dose because I don’t want any systemic DHT suppression.

Details are here, including a summary of DHT impacts for topical applications.

If you don’t want the minox, you can always buy the solvents separately or do as the article says and dilute an overpriced commercial topical fin product to get it to last forever (Hims, etc.). As a last resort, there’s MinoxidilMax, if you think he’s reliable. I’m not so sure.

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