Impressive Biological Age Reductions with Rapamycin (anecdotal)

That’s cool RapAdmin!

I’m curious why you selected TruDiagnostic test? I’ve seen a number of these bio age tests and I can’t rap my head around any that I trust to give me real data. I’ll confess I know little about each individual test though. Can you post some links to both TruDiagnostic and DunedinPACE that I can read about these tests? Perhaps I’ll jump in and just see what they show as well.

That wasn’t me… that was a post by @cl-user that I wanted also to be seen in this thread since it was relevant.

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Doh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, I see that now.

Another good biological age reduction from rapamycin as measured by the Levine phenotypic calculations, after 3 months use:


Another recent report of significant biological age reduction of 12 years lower during the year on rapamycin (he was participating in the PEARL rapamycin study and he got the Glycan Age results as part that clinical study). At the time of the report he was 74 years old, with a reported biological age of 41.

This user reported to me:

I spent last year in the first year of PEARL do it’s first stage of Rapamycin with human beings. They sent me several things when it was finished [I’m now in the second year but it is separate and all of us get 5mg of Rapamycin once a week for a year]. The things you wanted to know came to me: I used 5mg per week of Rapamycin. And it dropped 1 year off my age for every month. 12 years leads at the end of the year.

The Glycan which gave me my biological age after 12 months with PEARL using 5mg of Rapamycin once a week for a year. They gave me 41 as my age at the end of the 12 months. My age was 74 and I have been using and doing many other things for many years to have my age so low. And now that I think of it, I continued to use them all during PEARL except metformin [because PEARL told us we could not use that at the time]. So it wasn’t completely just Rapamycin that got me 12 year lower after 12 months with Rapamycin. But nothing I ever did got 1 year per month!

I certainly have been using my YMCA since I was 38 years old. But mostly what I use are many many supplements that seem to help me get younger and younger. Also, I got Rapamycin several years ago and used it every week. But I was only using 1mg a week then.

Here is his Glycan age report from the PEARL trial:

Results Report - Patient Version - DO.pdf (914.1 KB)


It would be amazing if true. Maybe he’s a Rapamycin hyper responder?

If so, Dear God, please let me be a hyper responder too! :slight_smile:

Amazing results. Now I’m curious what the rest of his stack is… :wink:


I’ve just uploaded his GlycanAge report from the PEARL trial - check it out! Very impressive results.


Got it. Thanks @Joseph

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Up until this dude (my nemesis)… I was the GlycanAge poster child with an inflammation age of 42 years… chronological age of 66.

On rapamycin 6mg plus for 3.5 years.
Granted this guy has been at it since he was 38… YMCA membership… anti-aging supplements.
I have been at it about 7 years. :laughing:


The most interesting man in the world!

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Great to see that my fan base is still out there and active… hahaha. You’re killing me Joe!


Right above Impressive Biological Age Reductions with Rapamycin (anecdotal) - #86 by RapAdmin

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Is there a before and after?

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I will ask him.

Meanwhile, this new post in the forum is positive, on this topic:


In case you missed it:

“FIRST Human Age-Reversal Trial REPLICATED! This Groundbreaking Treatment Holds the Key to YOUTH?”

The TRIIM-X trial is an expanded pilot clinical study that will evaluate a personalized combination treatment regimen for thymus regeneration