Good Fitness Goals at Age 50 (Couzins)

I am really bad at aerobic exercise, since I have EIB (exercise-induced asthma) that went undiagnosed as a child and and my teens and I kind of developed aversion to aerobic exercise. My measured VO2max is 44-45 (slightly above average for my age) but I would want it to be a bit higher and I want to optimize my aerobic training.

My zone 2 is mostly done during my 3x45 minutes of strength training a week where I maintain my heart rate in zone 2.

I do around two to three hikes a month with around 900 vertical meters.

I do daily 20-30 minutes yoga, but that rarely raises my heart above zone 1 so I don’t think this count as aerobic training? What about walking? Or taking bike to work?

I do two, sometimes three runs a week that follow similar pattern to what you are describing, but I would want to check if I am doing them correct to optimize for VO2max. Some 25 years ago I got this book Body for Life by Bill Phillips where he proposed 20 minutes aerobic solution that I found that even with my aversion could be done:

I have been doing one or two runs a week ever since (25 years) by this principle that I amended a little during the years reading on HIIT and SIT protocols. I take this table as a guide for exertion.


My current aerobic protocol is as follows:

4 minutes “warm up”

repeat 4 times:
1 minute “recovery”
1 minute “aerobic”
1 minute 30 seconds “anaerobic”
30 seconds “VO2max”

4-5 minutes “recovery”

I don’t train following HR but intensity. Would that be a good protocol? I tried SIT protocol, with 6 sprints at maximum intensity followed by 2-3 minutes rest too but I prefer the above. I reach my MHR usually in second interval, sometimes in first if I really do my best. But what is MHR would that be calculated MHR or observed? My calculated MHR is 172, but observed (measured) during my runs per above protocol is 186. I reach that in second interval, in first interval I get to maybe 178.

Well any comment would be appreciated. When I read literature on training and zones and VO2max and lactate and minutes… I get lost. I all sounds like gibberish.

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I started years ago now 62 year old female- recent scores-

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When i exercise, usually in the pool i can get between 95-100% of my heart rate once I’m warmed up. Usually within 10 minutes i can me ready and 50m lap just kicking out in 40 seconds will maintain the high heart rate i need according to my heart rate monitor.


I am pretty sure grip strength is a proxy for overall strength that happens to be easy to measure in a lab with a cheap and accessible device.

Then people read studies showing grip strength correlates with longevity and think they should work on their grip strength specifically without realizing they should work on overall strength.

I have to believe if you get grip strength as a side effect from doing lots of pull ups and deadlifts, you are in a different situation than if you get grip strength by squeezing a gripzilla.

It’s not a perfect example, but I suspect there are many cases where trying to increase a metric by direct intervention misses the point for metrics identified in observational studies. If it was a metric tested in a prospective trial, then sure go nuts.