Cancer inhibition by inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and inositol


Interesting post! What about taking IP6 with Rapa? Any side effects?

I found this review/pro-opinion about myo-inositol. it could be a candidate substance for the ITP


From the paper

Factors that deplete inositol include:7 9 64 65

  • Insulin resistance
  • Elevated glucose levels
  • Low sodium intake
  • Caffeine (coffee, tea, etc)
  • Kidney damage
  • Intestinal damage
  • Lithium
  • Valproic acid
  • Magnesium deficiency

The findings and insights from the people contributing to Rapamycin News are astounding. The contributors have greatly influenced the supplements and dosages that I take to stay healthy and hopefully extend my lifespan.

“Everything old is new again”
I notice daily clickbait articles and ads on my phone and computer.
Inositol was a minor fad way back in the days when I was following Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw.

In any case, I remember taking inositol for quite some time. As with many of my supplements back then, I discontinued it because I felt no subjective results.

From the article, it is obvious that I was taking too low of a dose.
Maybe it’s time to revisit it.

This time I will take 4 grams daily for a while and monitor my glucose levels.
I think that inositol might be a good supplement for older people who gradually become more insulin-resistant

From other articles I have read this morning it may also have mental health benefits and may be a treatment for ADHD. Some forms of inositol may have anti-cancer properties.


@desertshores Huberman recommended myo inositol a few years ago. I took it for a while when I listened to him. I never noticed anything but I am thinking about starting again based on the paper.

Let us know what you find out!

In that paper it looks like myo-inositol is better than IP6 and almost as good as the IP6+myo-inositol combo to prevent colon cancer in mice.

Yes, i have been taking this since huberman mentioned it for sleep. It’s had zero effect on my sleep but I’ve been continuing to take it only because I have a ginormous bottle of it. I was so excited to finish it and never see it again, but now I may think differently.

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If 4 grams daily of inositol does not lower my fasting glucose and A1c after 30 days I will stop taking it. I am starting tomorrow.