Can you share your Longevity / HealthSpan Regime?

Thank you. I try to live by stoic and christian values.


Arginine tends to activate latent herpes variants, including cold sores.

Combining L-Lysine with the L-Arginine supplement generally protects against this.

Arginine/ornithine is an old school body builder stack, taken before bed, as a HGH precursor.

(Body builder ā€˜scienceā€™ has a pretty big ā€˜RCTā€™ community, they do the work & usually get results).


Iā€™m passing through Delhi next week.
Iā€™m not familiar with Selegiline, but itā€™s so cheap (& available), tempted to add it to shopping list, & then research more later, just in case its for me, or older family
(I donā€™t get there often, so taking advantage of the opportunity, in person at a legit dispensary)


Thanks for sharing, very informative. I regret L-arginine activates the latent herpes virus because it was literally one of the supplements that made a difference (positive) immediately when I took it. Clearly, it helped with blood circulation to most distant body parts, but I felt it was a mood booster also, and somehow, I thought I was stronger (itā€™s like a confidence booster in a way, not necessarily it made me stronger for real). I took it to mean that this was a result of its blood dilation effect, as blood would flow more freely in various organs including brain. I did actually try L-Lysine with the L-Arginine and while it kept the virus at bay in lower doses of arginine, I felt that L-lysine cancelled somewhat the effects of arginine. I will experiment with it again, since I know I had got a big order about three years ago, and still have plenty left (stopped it after using it for about a month, since I got the cold sores 2-3 times, and had not had them in 10-15 prior years).

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Bought in Delhi (Jivan Medical Store) yesterday:

Selegiline 10x5mg
INR85 (80p, ~USD $1)

Tretinoin crĆØme 0.05% 20mg (for skin)
INR266 (Ā£2.50, ~USD $3.20)

Rapacan 10x1mg
INR1400 (Ā£13.86 ~USD $16.80)


Still take Ashwagandha?

If so, what brand?

Yes - Costco due to convenience.

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For sleep? What timing of day do you take it?

What are your thoughts on needing washout periods to not be dependent or have less impact from it?

Itā€™s a good/ok supplement but donā€™t expect meaningful results from it. It is one of those things that it may do something behind the scenes (so to speak) but you wonā€™t be able to say oh i feel this way or that way(unless of course p[lacibo effect0. I have been taking it on and off (together with Astaxanthin ) for last ten years, and i have never felt anything good or bad when taking it.

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No, I take it in the morning. I take it primarily because it was one of the key components of Protandim, a combo supplement tested successfully by the NIA ITP program for NRF2 activation: Longer lifespan in male mice treated with a weakly estrogenic agonist, an antioxidant, an Ī±-glucosidase inhibitor or a Nrf2-inducer - PubMed


Hi Ben,

Biohacker like yourself around the same age. HRT, rapamycin, TM5614, GLYNAC, NS0200, Monjourno, tadalafil, TRIIM protocol followed by a bunch of supps- creatine, HA, collagen, D/K/A, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, multi etc.

Curious what youā€™re experience was with exosomes. Is the value there?


Thanks for posting Mitteldorf. Heā€™s in the middle of it and sooo optimistic. Love reading his posts and always forget to go there.

He called slaughter age pigs piglets tooā€¦

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Good call on the Selegiline!

Far more economical compared to the distributor Ben is using.


I would stay away from Selegiline. I hear it can be addictive. Try Mucuna Pruriens for same/better effects/results yet not addictive. Be forewarned: Mucuna will bring back morning wood (with a vengeance lol) so I have to assume it must be good for prostate/other male organ parts.

Lots of discussions in the past on Selegiline / Deprenyl


I know someone who has been taking it for some time. It seems but has yet to be confirmed to have led to some significant problems. His IgG level is abnormally low. Right now, a clinical immunologist is trying to sort out his problems. The next step in ruling out issues is a pneumovax vaccination followed by an assessment of the IgG responses.

Personally, given the complexity of viruses in the human system and the current state of antivirals, I would be reluctant to take one as a life extension intervention.


Sorry this is very late reply.

I just started looking into lactoferrin and only read that to high a dose can cause side effects, like skin rash, fatigue, chills and constipation. I just started taking it from Jarrows, 250mg (freeze dried) as i heard better stability than spray dried.

I cannot vouch for this site, but he has compelling arguments for MANY positive reasons to take lactoferrin (including an MTOR mention), The ā€œNutrition Detectiveā€ on YouTube. He goes through PubMed articles to draw conclusions for various aspects supporting his Toxic Bile Theory.

NOTE: I am always warry when something is called a ā€œmiracleā€ and not many have heard of (at least me)ā€¦

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Yes - youā€™ll never hear the scientists calling anything a ā€œmiracleā€, its only laymen, who typically are not deeply versed in the research enough to understand the limitations of the research, or the full breadth of the research and the pros and cons that are associated with every chemical.


As Always, love your replies!

This is one such article calling it a miracleā€¦ not sure how to take itā€¦ Thoughts?