Calibre Biometric Spirometer Product Launch

Hey all, you are bringing forward great questions and I don have answers to all of them. If you all were interested in learning more as a group. If each of you would be comfortable emailing me to , in subject line put (Rapamycin - Sean and your forum user nam) in the body in some structured order provide numbered questions so I can compile all. I will then record a video to answer tham all and add it to my Calibre Youtube page. You can search for that now as we have put up several videos that gives more backgound. I would be happy to provide the members of this forum answers to the specific questions that are coming up… On a side note, I was a competitive athlete when younger and did plenty of VO2Max testing, This test was not our goal when creating the device, although it does provide the data, athletically it is a point of data, for me breath rate, minute volume, CO2 tolerance, mechanics of breathing, continuous VO2 monitoring…all these are incredible pieces of data that can provide insight on so many fronts…hope you can all take the journey wiht me where the initial goal was to provide all these data points 7 days a week if wanted or need outside of a lab environment. It took a lot of work to get Calibre to where it is and I hope in the beginning you can appreciate and support the goal of accessibility to be one we really worked hard to provide…Looking forward to communicating with everyone…Thanks, Sean

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I’ve made it so you can add pdfs (or other files) here. Just drag them to your post here and they will upload.

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VO2 Max Protocol - Calibre.pdf (191.0 KB)

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Thank you RapAdmin! Sean

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Hey all, not ghosting, but have to cook for the family. Will be back.


Thanks a lot @Calibre, will take a look

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Looks incredible! Thanks @Calibre

Interesting uppdate. One of the guys that really knows this type of stuff is bullish and will “trust but verify”

@Joseph_Lavelle any update from your friend who was going to try and test it?

Joseph / @Calibre / All - Alan is talking a lot about fat oxidation as part of key endurance health, can you talk a bit to that, what should one look at and how does Calibre help with that?


Paper he is referring to seems to be the same one we discussed her earlier in the month.

No feedback yet. I’ll report back here when I get some.

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Thanks @Joseph_Lavelle.

Any sense on the fat metabolism during endurance training aspects that Alan is talking about above? He may be more interested in that part of Calibre than the VO2max aspects

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Fat max is all the rage these days. Zone 2 et al. The ability to produce high power using fat is a key for endurance sports as less lactate is produced at any given level of effort. It’s a long term training thing…you have to plan ahead and work to build the infrastructure needed. You need type 1 or slow twitch muscle fibers to burn fat (or lactate) but you need fast twitch (burn glucose with or without oxygen) to hit the peak power numbers needed in racing situations and vo2max. How to get both? Very carefully. But this sort of device can help you track if you are on the right path. And it can help you set your training zone accurately to make faster progress.

From a health point of view, fat max is all about mitochondrial health (amount and efficiency); more is better.

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Very helpful, and helped me pull together bits and pieces that is had partially started to understand. This may be one of my goals for 2024 (still thinking about how to prioritize).

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I found this comment on this forum from May.

@AlbertN Anything to add to this discussion?

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Can’t wait to hear more reports from the first users. If it’s almost as good as a metabolic cart for measuring VO2 max & fuel partitioning, would totally be worth it

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Some of his first early “verify” is in, see below.

Did anyone else get one and try it?


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@Joseph_Lavelle amd others - how do you think the Calibre can help target optimal zone 2 vs the lactate stick type of approach that Peter Attia uses and has discussed repeatedly?

Separately - anyone have a sense of how well one can one do Zone 2 on the row machines that have advanced a lot the last few years?

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I’d say you don’t need this level of information to build fat max, work on mito health or improve vo2max. But if you like data, then this device looks very good. I would think of the resulting data as approximate and directionally correct.


@Neo Calibre or similar as well as muscle oxygen sensors like the Moxy are both better than measuring lactate because they are in real time. The Moxy is even integrated into sport smart watches like Garmin so that you can use your oxygen level to stay in your target zone in real time while running/cycling.

In fact the lactate tests are mostly (not entirely) proxies to find your ventilatory thresholds so it’s better to measure them directly.

Both Calibre and Moxy will work with rowing machines.

BTW I have ordered a Calibre so I will report back when I get it.