Bicalutamide/spironolactone or other antiandrogens to suppress testosterone? Chemical/Physical Castration?

I’m on both finasteride (1mg daily)and DUTASTERIDE (0.5 mg bi weekly) and I believe it’s the best decision i made for my skin hair prostate brain and heart health I’m 29 and people mistaken me for 24/25 always.


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Michael Lustgarten believes that youthful hormone levels might be keeping youthful appearance in check. Since finasteride affects DHT this might be the case.
Low DHT levels seems youthful?


Women also have low DHT levels, and finasteride prevents prostate cancer and DHT-related hair loss. It seems good.


This came to mind:

A circle of eunuch men watching over a computer, channeling something, they are digital beings, no reproduction, only memetic reproduction.

DHT is higher in older men? Isn’t DHT like the active form of T?

is DHT important for muscle growth?

It seems to be stable from 20 yrs old and forward, this was in Czech men.

Both forms are active forms. Only DHT is disabled in the muscles by 3α-hydroxysteroid.

5α-Reductase inhibition does not adversely affect muscle mass | Nature Reviews Urology

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It’s interesting how DHT stays roughly constant even when testosterone levels fall with age. Doesn’t this suggest that 5ar activity increaes as one ages?

Free DHT levels peak and decline at the same time as free testosterone:


The Free DHT / Free testosterone levels are stable it seems with age.


Does that still mean there’s a difference in 5ar activity?
10.1016@j.jsbmb.2009.05.008.pdf (290.5 KB)

Does the free DHT/Testosterone graph imply higher 5ar activity in young age (low testosterone but higher DHT)?

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